Dr. Stormberg’s office is located on the Southwest corner of 14th and Farnam Streets. you may get to the office by taking interstate I-80 and then the downtown I-480 turnoff, or you can take one of the main streets such as Dodge or Farnam Streets to the downtown area. The building has nearby landmarks including the Dale Clark library just across the street to the North and the red-brick Kiewit Plaza building across the street to the East. The main entrance is on the North side of the building. You can also enter on the East side of the building.
Parking is Easy: There are 2-hour meter parking spaces along the front entrance on the North and East sides of the building, as well as all around the Paxton building. Bring about 4 quarters and you’ll be fine. You may also park in the covered parking garage that is located just to the South and East of the Paxton building on 14th & Harney Street. The cost of the parking garage is about 1 dollar.